About Innojet Solutions
A word from Innojet's CEO:
Innojet's mission is to offer the latest technology in UV printers, quality inks & supplies, with customer support you can count on.
Innojet's team is your trusted partner in UV inkjet printing equipment and customized solutions across the United States.
Let us show you where trust, integrity beyond the sale and tailored solution will help your business succeed beyond expectation. Got a moment? Give us a call, email or use the contact link.
We look forward to becoming you UV print partner and solution.
- Penny Chen

Innojet has two nationwide Locations
We provide inkjet printing solutions from both coasts, ensuring expert support and tailored services to meet your unique needs while keeping your business running smoothly. Our team is dedicated to providing prompt customer support and immediate shipping. Trust Innojet to be your printing partner!
East Coast
570 Hayden Station Rd, Unit D, Windsor, CT 06095
West Coast
Business Hours: 8:30am-8:30pm ET

3649 Arrowhead Dr. #I-104, Carson City NV 89701
Contact Us Today
Reach out for tailored inkjet printing solutions and support.